Opening an image from outside of the application (e.g.Ěll selected files obey the "Files of type" drop-list selection when using the File Open dialog box.Irrelevant characters are discarded from plug-in category names to ensure proper sorting.The application no longer stalls at start-up if resources (e.g., gradients) or their designated folders are unavailable.The change eliminates the "Cannot open PhotoCD Image" message some users encountered when using the browser. The program no longer calls all installed format filters when it cannot identify a file type.This issue is fixed for Gamma Correction and other affected commands. When using the Gamma Correction adjustment dialog, proofing an image before the right preview window updated could apply incorrect modifications and fail to revise the command history.

Ědded an "Apply Smoothing" option to the WMF/Import tab of the File Format Preferences dialog box to improve the quality and accuracy of some imported vector data.It is no longer necessary to leave these versions installed to edit embedded Paint Shop Pro 5 and 6 objects. Paint Shop Pro 7 now processes OLE embedded documents from Paint Shop Pro versions 5 and 6.Preview windows are faster in several program dialog boxes.En hier ff de goede link naar de site van Jasc Software.