For more useful tips and information on the game, you should search Twinfinite. That’s all we have on how to get gold bricks fast and easy in Lego Worlds. One key thing to remember is that you’re able to generate as many worlds as you like, so if you’re running out of options in one world, just leave! These little critters can harbor Gold Bricks as well as many other useful rewards, so they’re well worth trying to corner. Finally, make sure you hunt down and take out those pesky Trouble Makers.

Keep in mind that the majority of these will be hidden in underground caverns, so if you arrive at a marker and don’t see anything, you’ll want to use your Landscape Tool to burrow underground.

These typically reward you with blueprints (for your Discovery Tool), but they can also give you Gold Bricks, too. A guide on how to unlock the Golden Dragon in LEGO Worlds on PS4, Xbox One, PC and Switch.